Difficulties found in Brazil
Obstacles in the Brazilian market
Taxes and High Rates
- Brazil is a country that has had the same tax system for over 20 years.
Meaning, Brazilian law still has high taxes and protectionist policies. If the company does not know the shortcuts on how to maintain the law and how to proceed step by step, then your business will not develop satisfactorily and runs the risk of damage.
Huge bureaucracy and complex regulations
- Any commercial and legal movement in the country requires approvals from various bodies and a lot of bureaucracy. If the company does not know a way to optimize their business steps, its development will certainly take much longer than expected and run the risk of never happening.
Shortage of qualified professionals
- For as much as Brazil has grown, the country still has a severe shortage of qualified professionals. Just one poorly selected professional can thwart all the company’s development work in the market.
Finally, the frustration
- With all the difficulties in the way of the foreign entrepreneur, the most common is to become frustrated and give up.
Unfortunately, 85% of foreign companies quit trying to enter Brazil, even with all the potential.